The Residence Assistant (RA) application for PROMYS India 2025 is open!
Application instructions and link are below on this page.
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Role of RA
PROMYS India is a free six-week residential summer programme in mathematics held at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore for mathematically talented pre-university students. In addition to faculty, the students are supported by counsellors who are undergraduate mathematics majors. In their guest house, the students are additionally supported by Residence Assistants (RAs) who are undergraduates who are majoring in a field other than mathematics. Humanities students are particularly encouraged to apply for the RA position.
The students spend most of their weekday daytime hours at the Mathematics Department where they are not supervised by the RAs. RAs supervise and support the students when they are in the guest house. Their responsibility is the students’ behaviour and wellbeing. PROMYS India is an intensive six-week programme, and many of the students are away from home for the first time.
It is central to PROMYS India that RAs and counsellors act as behavioral role models for the students and help maintain a supportive and collaborative community in which each participant is treated with respect and ragging is not tolerated. Unlike the counsellors, RAs have no mathematical responsibilities.
The main requirements for the RA position are a high level of academic achievement in their major, maturity, responsibility, integrity, and interest in working with talented secondary and higher secondary students.
We expect to hire 2 RAs in 2025 to join 16 counsellors plus a graduate student and faculty in working with approximately 40 talented secondary school students.
PROMYS India is a residential summer programme held at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in Bengaluru. Students, counsellors, and RAs will be housed near each other in rooms in housing areas separated by gender identity and eat their meals communally on campus.
PROMYS India 2025 will run from 11 May - 21 June at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore. RAs and counsellors will be expected to arrive on 9 May, 2 days before the students.
RAs will receive free room and board plus a six-week stipend of ₹84,000 and approved travel expenses.
Applicants for the RA position should be university undergraduates majoring in a subject other than mathematics.
We will consider all applications independent of university year, including undergraduates who will be graduating the summer they are applying. Master's students may also be eligible to apply if they will not have completed their Master's degree by the start of the programme.
Applicants must be at least 18 years old by the start of the programme. Applicants who are not Indian citizens must be entitled to work in India.
Applicants must be able to converse freely in English. An ability to speak additional languages spoken in India would be a plus.
The RA Application Process
Applications to PROMYS India are submitted through Submittable. Click on the "To Apply to be an RA" button below and follow the simple instructions to create your password-protected account. You will be able to save your progress on the application form before your final submission. The Submittable platform works best on Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. To access tech support from within the system, click on . For other questions, you can email us at [email protected].
Applicants being considered for the position of RA will be interviewed, in English, on Zoom or by telephone/WhatsApp.
The applicants will be asked to upload the following to their application form:
University Transcript (an unofficial copy is fine)
Curriculum Vitae/CV (resume)
Two Letters of Recommendation: Applicants also need to request two letters of recommendation from people familiar with the applicant's academic background and their work in university-level courses. We strongly recommend that you create your Submittable account as soon as possible in order to send the recommendation request links to your two recommenders. You can request your letters of recommendation by clicking on the "Send Request Now" buttons on the application form; you are advised not to wait until you are ready to submit the application form itself. Please inform your recommenders that the link to the form will come from Notifications at [email protected] and not PROMYS India. Your application will not be reviewed until both of your letters of recommendation have been received.