Students: Overview
"I loved, absolutely loved, every second I spent at the mathematical world of PROMYS where mathematics becomes as much a part of your life as the wonderful people you meet there." Oishani Das, PROMYS India 2023
Programme Details for Students
Dates, location, cost (free), eligibility, application, size of programme, faculty and mentors plus "Typical Day at PROMYS India," "Accommodation," and "Other Activities."

Student Application
The application for PROMYS India 2025 is closed.
Full Scholarships
Every student accepted to PROMYS India 2025 will be awarded a full scholarship which will cover all tuition, housing, and meals. Applicants may additionally apply for need-based funds for travel and laundry. There are no financial eligibility requirements for participation in PROMYS India.

Mathematics at PROMYS India
Through their intensive efforts to solve an assortment of unusually challenging problems in Number Theory, participants will practice the art of mathematical discovery. The problem sets encourage students to design their own numerical experiments ...
Here are some commonly asked questions (and answers) about PROMYS India including about the PROMYS India community, the maths, life in residence halls, admissions and more.

“PROMYS is more than just a summer program - It is an experience that will change your life. The path of discovery that one follows as a student of PROMYS is unique and will change your perception of mathematics." Siddharth Sridhar