Arghya Sarkar

Arghya Sarkar

"Being at PROMYS was one of the best experiences of my life.

Some things that set PROMYS apart as a mathematics program, is its intellectual mathematical community which is optimistic and always ready to help. The problem sets were very intuitive and aroused a deep sense of understanding mathematics. At PROMYS, I learnt to make bold conjectures for my counselors were always there to help me.

Apart from mathematics, PROMYS also serves the purpose of sharing ideas and creating strong bonds with people around. We were able to interact with new people from math communities from all around the world.

I would like to express my gratitude to the sponsors of the Mehta fellowships who gave me such a wonderful opportunity."

Arghya Sarkar, Mehta Fellow to PROMYS 2019 and Mehta Counselor to PROMYS 2022
Arghya Sarkar, Mehta Fellow to PROMYS 2019 and Mehta Counselor to PROMYS 2022
Arghya attended higher secondary school in Pune. He graduated high school in 2020.